Ruminations of a Family Doctor
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Family Medicine: Coming Out of the Closet
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Commissioning the Periphery
Monday, May 10, 2010
Opening for what comes next
Sunday, October 11, 2009
One Thing I Can Do for Health Reform
On Saturday, I tried to contribute to my local chapter by hosting a letter-writing party. No one else showed up, but I still thought I could pass on what I've written to use as inspiration or as one of many example letters out there. We may disagree on details of legislation, but we cannot abide the status quo any longer. Please get active in your advocacy, folks!
Dear Congressperson:
First of all, I do want to express my gratitude for your service to our community and your concern for responsible government. I am writing today on the topic of health care reform.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Superlative is Sometimes Less
There are three seemingly random thoughts here, but hang on. Bear with me. I think they come together at the end.
I have had numerous people ask me what it was like to be at last week's inauguration of Barack Obama, and had a very hard time knowing how to answer. It was definitely the most historic inauguration of my lifetime, and perhaps the most important I'm ever likely to see. Except I didn't really see any of it.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Still thankful...
I trust you've all seen it by now: Physicians' Foundation Survey via CNN
Horror of horrors, Half of all primary care doctors (in survey) would leave medicine! For a specialty trying to prove our mettle in the world of evidence-based medicine (and being leaders in the field in many respects), I've heard very little from the rank-and-file disputing the media coverage of this completely misleading and unscientific survey. The response rate was a whopping 4%. Not any selection bias there; of course not.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Don't Give Up
Ever since the FMEC Conference, I've felt a heavy weight on my head. I can't think about health care without feeling overwhelmed with the hugeness of trying to hold all the social determinants of health piled in our arms, wondering how to begin building a clinical and community health foundation with our hands already full and while balancing on the tiny point of band-aid high-tech medicine that is currently, precariously, keeping most of us alive for 70 years or so.
Tonight, though, I read my first clinical blog from September, and was reminded of another patient.